Happy Belated New Year!
Happy belated New Year to everyone! Hope everyone has had a corking start to the year. (Yeah, I heard that word in an episode of The Simpsons and I can't get it out of my head - I'm trying to use it until I'm bored of it.)
I hope the rest of the year will be just as corking (yeah - I'm sick of it now), and I'm writing to let you know that there's a new short story available here. It's called Happy New Year! and is about how the various Grey Wolf Pack characters celebrated the New Year.
And this story, as well as the other three recent holiday related stories are also available to buy on Amazon. They're still free to read online, but they're available to buy if you want them. The set is called 'Tis the Season to be Supernatural and the list of the four stories it includes is here and they can be found on the Short Stories page.
Anyway, I'm currently working on a one-off story right now, hopefully I'll have some news about that soon.
Here's to 2016!
Best wishes