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Jaguar On My Mind

Yes, I'm still here!

It's been a while since I last had any news, so that's why I've been a bit quiet. I've had a lot going on in the last few months that have conspired to keep me away from my computer (Summer babysitting, rotting floorboards in the kitchen that meant everything had to be ripped out, extra hours at my day job...). Anyway, I just kept putting off sending any newsletters because I had no news.

But, I'm pleased to say I'm back at the computer. It's September, it's Autumn (or Fall - whichever way you like to say it!), my favorite season and I'm raring to go!

I'm also excited to tell you I've managed to finish the next in the Jaguar Bridenapping series. It's called Jaguar On My Mind, and is about Tomas and Mary. It's available now - Amazon put it up super quick! You can read the blurb here.

I've got a lot of books I'm currently juggling at the moment, and I know different people are keen for the next books in different stories, so I will try not to keep anyone waiting too long.

Take care and I'll be in touch.

Elizabeth x

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